
Essays about Community – Thinking about Ideas

What is a community? There are a lot of definitions; some of them are composed by the textbook authors, some come from the ancient times. There is a biological definition of the community as well – what I’m leading to, is that before you write your essay about community, you have to find a definition and make sure you understand it.

Then you can define the main idea of your paper. You can think about it on your own or find help here, right below this line!

Essays on community can deal some general issues. For example, depict the main characteristics of community, its effect on the development of a personality and so on. Find some quotations and aphorisms. Consider this, for example: “Individual performs a crime, community prepares it”.

Also in your essay about community you can talk about particular communities. Speak about yourself, for example – are you a member of any community? If yes, what are its peculiar features?

1. Computer through the History.
It is impossible to say, what was the earliest computer, may be, because the term “computer” has different meanings. You can even say, that abacus was the first human-operated machine of this type. But more commonly, computer is considered to be a 20th century invention. Write about this in you essay on computers – tell, what changes did the computer go through before it finally got its present look?

2. Computer Influence.
Computers now occupy their certain place in our lives. Vast majority of people use them at work, or at home, or both. Is it good or bad? Do the computers have positive or negative influence on our lives? Give good arguments and explanations on this matter, when writing your essay on computers.

3. Notebooks vs. Computers
Desktop computer is something that can be used only at home or library, or any other certain place. Notebook is designed for those, who travel a lot, or who are in a constant hurry because of their work. Compare these types of computers in the essay and find out the weak and strong sides of each one of them.

Another important topic, connected with the computers is brain drain. It is large emigration of individuals with technical skills or knowledge, usually due to some conflict or money issues. This problem can be as well discussed in you essay on computers.

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