

New member
How much is SSL? Is it available through Rochen?

Is a domain SSL certificate available for subdomains?



New member
Hi Stephen,

You'd need to purchase an SSL cert from any SSL provider that you're comfortable with. To get the process started you'd need to go through these CSR and cert installation steps. A dedicated IP is required for SSL to function, this is 5.50USD/month or 2.95GBP/month depending on your billing currency/plan location.

Yes, you can purchase a single certificate for a subdomain at your SSL cert provider. If you wish to be able to secure multiple subdomains across a single domain you'd need a Rochen Reseller Plan or above so that you can then create separate cPanel accounts for each subdomain, allowing us to assign a dedicated IP to each one and install it's own unique cert.

Thank you, and just let us know if you have any other questions or if we can clarify any of the above! :)


New member
SSL subdomain

my website is

If I get a SSL can the secure area be:

and the rest of the non-secure area of the website still be:

i.e. I don't want the entire website to be run thru the secure server:
don't want httpsssss://