Rochen Hosting Service is absolutely Amazing


Chip C.
I have been a Rochen customer for about a year and a half now hosting three personal sites ( being one), and every time I use any of their tools on cpanel, they work flawlessly, and generates the need for further positive reinforcement to the folks at Rochen.

It takes me back to 3.5 years ago, when the Hosting Service I had used for over 7 years at the time, stopped updating their technology, started over-selling with the promise of Unlimited Space, Unlimited Bandwidth, unlimited, unlimited, unlimited . . . which eventually yielded Unlimited Headaches, Unlimited Downtime, and three sites that were hacked like sacrificial lamb's at a Pass-Over feast.

I use Joomla!, as it is one of the easiest to administrate and provides a basis for good looking websites. When I installed Joomla using Fantastico, a year and a half ago (my other host was old school; FTP it out there and hope for the best), I thought, "how cool." What amazed me today, was that Rochen, takes the time to keep CMS Updates (et al) at your fingertips, along with the technology built for those of us who want a website, but want the ease of administration that I have found at Rochen.

Before . . . I had to live on the Joomla site, looking for Security updates, when the next update was available, download it, move it to my box at home, make all of the modifications I have with the new code, move it to the host, then hope for the best. Then I move the sites to Rochen . . . and OMG, they have backups (not just 'so ya wanna make a Tarball, eh?'), and they have Fantastico, and a few clicks later, I have a site updated to the lastest patch version of my website . . . AMAZING.

To me, Rochen is worth its weight in GOLD, as there has not been a single instance whereby I have not said "Wow! I am so glad to be here . . ."

Thanks to all of the Rochen professionals for providing the best hosting experience that I have ever experienced.



Chip C.
Here I sit again, amazed that any time I need assistance, Rochen Support is there . . . on Saturdays, at night, always there . . . and I have yet to have a bad thing to say. I just entered a support ticket, and <Pow!> . . . 10 minutes later, I am taken care of, thanking the tech and goin' about my business.

I know how frustrating it CAN be elsewhere, and thank my lucky stars for Rochen's excellent service . . . it always makes me sit back and say "Wow!"

Keep up the excellence Rochen . . .



Rochen Community Member
I could not agree more....They reply within minutes with a solution! Heck, most hosting companies reply in 24 hrs if lucky and usually with a poor idea or solution many of which you already tried BEFORE you asked them for help.

Here, you go in with a help ticket and it is like a race to see who can help you the fastest among the Rochen techs. They are so good.....they always solve your issue.