Primary Domain Name at sign up


New member

I know in an ideal world I should have a domain name already but our preferred name is under debate at the moment (design by committee :roll eyes: )

In the meantime the 'committee' are keen to see my progress on the site so far so I'd like to setup a site to show them.

I know I'll get a temporary URL I can use, but if I take a lucky guess at 'The Primary Domain Name' at sign-up, will it mess things up in the future if i'm wrong?


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Rochen Community Member
In which case that would require a support ticket to have the domain name on the account changed, best to wait for one of the tech/sale team let you know about this for certain.


Staff member
Hi Paul,

As Mike has noted above with a Business Hosting Plan 1 this can be changed later via a technical support ticket.


New member
Great. Thanks for the reply.

My next question:

I am a Rochen customer already :). If I link this new account to my existing account (also a Business Plan 1) would it be easy to move it to another account in the future?

This new site is for a non-profit group who, if they decide to go ahead, might like to set up their own account. I'd like to make it as easy as possible for someone else to take over running (and paying for!) the account in the future without depending on me.

I'd appreciate your advice on the best way to set this up now to avoid problems in the future,




Staff member
Hi Paul,

Yes, it is possible to split packages under a My Rochen customer portal account into separate My Rochen portal accounts in the future. However, if you envisage needing to do this then I would simply set them up under two separate portal accounts from day one.

If you are ordering the account in the name of the non-profit then we would be happy to arrange a 10% recurring discount over our regular prices. For further information please send an email to [email protected].


New member
Many thanks for the speedy response.

We are a parent council group raising funds for the school but are not a registered charity. Would we still be eligible for the discount?



Staff member
Hi Paul,

Unfortunately, to qualify for the discount in the case of the UK you would need to be a registered charity.